TV Far from Dead as an Ad Medium • THINK Global Research

Just when you thought social media was the new frontier, TV rises up from the dead.

Or was TV never dead to begin with?

We teamed up with Magnum Opus Partners and conducted the MOP Awareness Survey, a nation-wide survey exploring the media behaviour of everyday Australians.

And what did we find?

TV had the highest consumption, followed by social media.

But the real shock? The 9 hours a week spent on social media compared to the 16 hours a week watching TV. As expected, millennials are spending an average of 16 hours a week on social media and were more likely to be impacted by an advertisement they saw on social media.

And when we asked Australians which channel influenced them the most – 62% quoted TV as the most impactful advertising medium and 25% cited this channel to influence their purchase decision.  At second place, another oldie but clearly a goodie – the humble catalogue!

So what should this tell you?

Clearly, TV still resonates with Australians.

What about your marketing strategy?