Does Personality Count? • THINK Global Research

Do you prefer people who speak in monotone while blankly staring ahead, or people who are vibrant, animated and enthusiastic? Now think about how your answer relates to brands.

Brands most often display personality as a marketing exercise. Something to make them more “likeable” in order to sell more. That is why it’s very refreshing to see organisations that are not reliant on “selling” more, displaying a personality anyway.

Can rates be fun?

The picture below is from the Auckland City Council’s rates bill. They are not “selling” their services (only encouraging a switch in payment method), yet they have put in the effort to make the communication material funny and engaging.

As a brand it’s easy to be serious, plain and “straight to the point”. However, why would any brand not want to go beyond that to become more engaging and relatable? Does anyone enjoy interacting with people who have no personality? Then why would brands be treated any differently?

Serious business…

Working in market research, we are constantly amazed at how much of a difference brands can make to the bottom line by becoming more relatable and likeable. There are thousands of industries where currently not a single brand is displaying any likeable traits. Look around, does your brand have the opportunity to stand out amongst your dull competitors? Some companies in “serious” industries believe that more personality means less credibility. Is this really the case in a market where even the councils are becoming more likeable and engaging? 


Written by:

Lana Bruskina – Strategy and Insight Manager

For further information on THINK Global Research, please contact Kristy Ihle (Managing Director) at

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